Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bank of America - I am a little confused

A true story with some text below taken from e-mails from Bank of America

I just finished reviewing the e-mail (2nd) sent by Bank of America concerning the payment or nonpayment of an item submitted to the bank. I am still somewhat fuzzy on which policy is in effect at any given time. It must be that on even days you pay an item (post date 03-06-07) even if there is insufficient funds. On odd days you returned an item (post date 10-17-06) for insufficient funds.

There is another policy concern that I would like to have clarified. In your e-mail addressed to me dated 03-13-07, you stated that, "although we are not obligated to pay an item presented if a your account does not have sufficient funds, we may pay it as a courtesy". Is there anything a customer of Bank of America can do to receive such courtesy or non-courtesy consistently. I'm asking this question because both items posted were from the same individual, one returned and the other not. Maybe I didn't use the right check color on the day the one was returned.

Pardon me for being so confused, but if you would have used the same policy on 03-13-07 as you did on 10-17-07 I would not have multiple overdraft charges as I do now because of other items coming in before I could make a deposit.

In an e-mail dated 03-12-07 you stated that items are processed as follows, "ATM withdrawals, automatic payments, check card purchases and personal checks from highest to lowest dollar amount". That one day I could have an ATM withdrawal post first and tomorrow I could have a check card purchase post first depending on the dollar amount?

Thank you,
your courtesy driven customer.

All quotes made are documented by hard copy e-mails. If you have had similar experiences with Bank of America I would like to hear from you. My e-mail address is
or leave a reply/comment on this blog post.

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